
Ambiguous: It is used when the situation cannot be clearly understood and can be interpreted in more than one way. Ambivalent: It is used when you are aware of a situation but are unsure of what to do.

When to Use Ambiguous

• It is used when a situation is unclear and can be interpreted in many different ways. • Basically, it means that you need more information before making a decision.

Example of Ambigous

Amber asked Sam if he wanted to meet her. Sam did not know what to respond as Amber’s question was ambiguous. Sam did not have the clarity on when, and where did Amber want to meet him.

When to Use Ambivalent

• It is used when you are aware of a situation but uncertain about the choice to be made. • It signifies even though you have all the information, you are indecisive.

Example of Ambivalent

Amber asked Sam to meet at 5:00 pm on Thursday at the park near her house, but since Sam was busy, he was ambivalent. Here, Sam is clear about the communication, but he is unsure whether he should meet. So, he is ambivalent about meeting Amber.