Whitepaper – A Comparison of Trinka with Grammarly and LanguageTool on Academic Text

The world today is producing research at an unprecedented rate, particularly in the time of COVID-19. On one hand, COVID-19 has spurred urgent study and experimentation in virology, epidemiology, and related disciplines; on the other, it has opened up a host of economic, sociopolitical, and behavioral phenomena to be studied. Numerous studies from all over the world are being published or deposited in preprint and data repositories. With such a fast-paced production of scientific work, does a researcher or scientist have the time to ensure their content is readable to an editor/reviewer and to the scientific community at large? Is there a way to automatically check the manuscript or science blogpost for grammatical correctness and idiomaticity?

This is where Trinka steps in.

Launched in April 2020, Trinka is an AI-powered writing assistant trained on millions of manuscripts from different subject areas. It checks the grammar, vocabulary and discipline-specific phrasing of academic manuscripts. But there are many grammar checkers and writing assistants out there. So how does Trinka stack up against them? Find out in our white paper “A Comparison of Trinka with Grammarly and LanguageTool on Academic Text.”


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