Academic Phrasebank

E.g. "This represents an important topic to study because"

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One cause why ___ have declined is that___explaining-causality » indicating-causality

One reason why ___ have declined is that___explaining-causality » indicating-causality

One argument why ___ have declined is that___explaining-causality » indicating-causality

A result of vitamin A deficiency is blindness .explaining-causality » indicating-causality

A consequence of vitamin A deficiency is blindness .explaining-causality » indicating-causality

The most likely reasons of ___ are poorer diet and lack of exercise .explaining-causality » indicating-causality

The most likely causes of ___ are poor diet and lack of exercise .explaining-causality » indicating-causality

The most likely reasons of ___ are inadequate diet and lack of exercise .explaining-causality » indicating-causality

The causes of ___ have been the topic of intense debate within___explaining-causality » indicating-causality

The causes of ___ have been the subject of intense debate within___explaining-causality » indicating-causality

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