
Referring to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, ‘tense’ is delineated as “any form of a verb that reveals the time of the action or state expressed.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary nuances this, describing ‘tense’ as “a distinction in the form of a verb to express differences in the time or duration of the action or state it represents.”

The Collins Dictionary emphasizes that the tense of a verb group is its form, showcasing whether you are referencing past, present, or future time. Similarly, the Cambridge Dictionary defines ‘tense’ as “any form of a verb that indicates the time at which an action happened.”

  • Significance of Tense Knowledge

Tenses serve as the backbone and a fundamental element of the English language. Without a proper understanding of tense, communication may seem confusing and, dare I say, absurd. Tenses allow you to vividly describe actions occurring at different times, providing clarity to your context and the information you aim to convey. They also empower you to construct intricate sentence structures. Thus, to convey information clearly and adeptly, mastering all twelve tenses and their applications is essential.

  • Diverse Tenses in English

In the realm of English grammar, three primary tenses serve as the foundation, each further branching into four forms, totaling a dozen tenses. These three main tenses are:

  • Present Tense
  • Past Tense
  • Future Tense

These manifest in four different forms:

  • Simple Tense Form
  • Continuous Tense Form
  • Perfect Tense Form
  • Perfect Continuous Tense Form

So, behold the twelve tenses in English:

  1. Simple Present Tense
  2. Present Continuous Tense
  3. Present Perfect Tense
  4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  5. Simple Past Tense
  6. Past Continuous Tense
  7. Past Perfect Tense
  8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  9. Simple Future Tense
  10. Future Continuous Tense
  11. Future Perfect Tense
  12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Understanding the Simple Present/Present Indefinite Tense

The simple present tense serves to express an action or event happening in the current context, capturing moments unfolding or occurring at the present moment. This tense is also known as the present indefinite tense.

Definition of Simple Present Tense

As per the Cambridge Dictionary, the simple present tense, when applied to a verb in a sentence, refers to “events, actions, and conditions happening all the time or existing now.” Elaborating further, the Cambridge Dictionary states that “present tenses of a verb are used for regularly occurring events or current situations. The simple present tense utilizes the base form or the ‘s’ form of a verb, as seen in examples like ‘I play tennis twice a week’ and ‘She works in a bank.’”

Structure of Simple Present Tense

Understanding the structure of the simple present tense involves analyzing positive, negative, interrogative, and negative interrogative forms. The chart below illustrates the structure:

Positive: Subject + Verb in the base form/third person plural form
Negative: Subject + Do not/Don’t/Does not/Doesn’t + Verb in the base form/third person plural form
Interrogative: Do/Does + Subject + Verb
Negative Interrogative: Don’t/Doesn’t + Subject + Verb

Example: You look beautiful.
Example: You do not look beautiful.
Example: Do you look beautiful?
Example: Don’t you look beautiful?

Rules and Considerations for Simple Present Tense Usage

To use the simple present tense accurately, adhere to these rules:

  1. The verb usually appears in the base form.
  2. When a third-person pronoun or subject is involved, make the verb plural.

Functions of the Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense serves various purposes:

  • Quoting general truths and scientific facts.
  • Denoting habitual actions occurring daily or at regular intervals.
  • Indicating unchanging events.
  • Providing directions or instructions.
  • Talking about fixed arrangements.
  • Accompanying future constructions.

Examples of Simple Present Tense in Use

To illustrate how the simple present tense forms sentences for different purposes:

Indicating General Truths and Scientific Facts:

  • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  • The Earth revolves around the Sun.
  • Oxygen supports combustion.

Indicating Habitual or Repeated Actions:

  • I jog in the park every morning.
  • The clock chimes at noon every day.
  • Does she practice the piano regularly?

Giving Directions or Instructions:

  • Insert the key into the ignition and turn it clockwise.
  • Mix the ingredients until you achieve a smooth texture.
  • Open the app and click on the settings icon.

Speaking about Fixed Arrangements:

  • The train departs at 8:30 a.m. sharp.
  • Our team meeting is scheduled for Monday mornings.
  • The conference concludes on the 20th of this month.

Using with Future Constructions:

  • I meet with the client next week.
  • The event takes place on Saturday.
  • She informs the team when the report is ready.

Exploring the Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense, often termed the present progressive tense, conveys actions ongoing in the current moment. This tense is pivotal in expressing events that are in progress or planned for the future. Dictionaries provide insightful definitions, shedding light on its nuances.

Definition of the Present Continuous Tense

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the ‘present continuous tense’ is “the verb form used for actions or events happening or developing now.” The Collins Dictionary defines it as “a verb form with an auxiliary ‘be’ in the present tense followed by a present participle,” indicating ongoing, repeated, or temporary actions. Macmillan Dictionary describes it as “the tense used for actions or behavior in progress now or planned for the future.”

Structure of the Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense follows a clear formula: Subject+am/is/are+present participle (verb+ing)+the rest of the sentenceSubject+am/is/are+present participle (verb+ing)+the rest of the sentence

For a deeper understanding, observe its positive, negative, interrogative, and negative interrogative forms:

Positive Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative
Subject + am/is/are + present participle + rest of the sentence Subject + am/is/are + not + present participle + rest of the sentence Am/Is/Are + subject + present participle + rest of the sentence Isn’t/Aren’t + subject + present participle + rest of the sentence



Positive: I am reading a newspaper. Negative: I am not reading a newspaper. Interrogative: Am I reading a newspaper? Negative Interrogative: Aren’t I reading a newspaper?

Rules and Points to Remember

  • Maintain the correct sentence structure, starting with the subject in positive or negative sentences and with the helping verb in interrogative sentences.
  • The present continuous tense includes a helping verb (‘to be’) and a main verb. ‘Am’ is used for ‘I,’ ‘is’ for singular subjects, and ‘are’ for plural subjects.
  • Note that ‘am’ cannot be used in the negative form in interrogative sentences; instead, ‘aren’t’ is used.

Uses of the Present Continuous Tense

Similar to the simple present tense, the present continuous tense is used to describe actions occurring in the present. However, it specifically indicates actions that are ongoing or progressing at the current moment.

  1. It represents an action happening at the moment of speaking.
    • My son is working on his science project.
    • Santana is singing “Don’t Rain on my Parade.”
  2. It depicts a future event or arrangement.
    • What are you planning to do tomorrow?
    • I heard that Rachel is moving to Paris next month.
  3. It denotes an action ongoing at the time of speaking.
    • Is she still working at the National Institute of Medical Sciences?
    • I am currently taking guitar lessons so that I could play for your wedding.

Examples of Present Continuous Tense

Here are additional sentences demonstrating the present continuous tense:

  1. My mom is cooking dinner.
  2. The band is playing all the classics.
  3. Monica and Rachel are going on a trip tomorrow.
  4. Sheethal is not practicing for the final audition.
  5. I am trying out something new.
  6. They are not traveling to London next week.
  7. Are you watching a movie tonight?
  8. Is your phone working properly now?
  9. The children are loving the new park.
  10. Diana is playing the main role in the play.